This page explains about Acall Meeting application settings.
Acall Meeting App Settings
Time Setting
You can set an automatic cancellation time for the meeting.
Available on Acall Meeting "Outside Mode" and "Inside Mode".
Please refer to [Set Automatic Cancellation Time for Meeting Room Reservations].
Status Management
You can manage the status of meeting rooms.
Please refer to [Manage Meeting Room Status].
Drink Order
You can notify drink order to any recipient during a meeting.
Available on Acall Meeting "Inside Mode".
Please refer to [Order Drinks via Acall Meeting].
Meeting End Alert
You can set meeting end alert.
Available on Acall Meeting "Inside Mode".
Please refer to [Set up Acall Meeting Sound on Acall Portal].
Voice Announcement
You can customize voice announcements.
Available on Acall Meeting "Inside Mode".
Please refer to [Set up Acall Meeting Sound on Acall Portal].
Auto cancel
You can set the auto-cancellation time for each meetings.
Available on Acall Meeting "Outside Mode" and "Inside Mode".
Please refer to [Set Enable/Disable Auto Cancellation for Each Appointment(External/Internal)].
Device Monitoring
Administrators can receive a disconnection notification when communication from the Acall Meeting to the Acall server is lost for any reason, such as network malfunction or device trouble.
Please refer to [Acall Meeting Monitoring System].
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