This page explains how to export appointment log and the specifications of the log file.
You can check reception history, entry/exit history of Acall Reception and future visitor schedule in the appointment log.
Appointment log
You can specify a time period and export the history of external meetings and reception history of Acall Reception as a CSV file.
- Maximum period is 3 months.
- Internal meeting history is not in appointment log. To export internal meeting history, please refer to [Exporting Meeting Room Usage].
- Character encoding of the exported CSV file is UTF-8.
- You can also specify future date. This can be used to check scheduled visitors, etc.
Export appointment log
Open [Import & Export] in the side menu on Acall Portal and click [EXPORT] tab.
Select [appointment], specify a period, and click [EXPORT].
Once export is completed, "Success Exported" message will be displayed.
Information in the appointment log
Item | Description |
Serial number |
Serial number in the CSV file |
Start time | Start time of the appointment |
End time | End time of the appointment |
Title |
Subject of the appointment |
Company name | Company name of the guest |
Name | Name of the guest |
Phonetic | Phonetic (Furigana) of the guest name (if you enter guests' name in Japanese) |
Contact information | Email address of the guest |
Invited time | Date and time of sending email with appointment code to the guest |
Visited time |
Date and time of check-in (reception) on Acall Reception |
Entered time |
Date and time of entry on Acall Reception |
Exited time |
Date and time of exit on Acall Reception |
Guest count | Number of other guests |
Attend users | Person in charge of the appointment |
Room/Equipment | Workspace (meeting room/equipment) used for the appointment |
Approve user |
Name of the worker who approved the guests' entry |
Note | Notes of the appointment |
Privacy | Whether the appointment is set up as private or not |
Device name |
Name of the device used for reception |
Session invitation code |
Invitation pass code accepted used for reception |
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