You can narrow down the search for multi-tenant company names to visit on the Acall Reception with multi-tenant settings. Please utilize this function when the number of tenants is large.
・This function is only available for users who have multi-tenant settings.
Set a search key
Please send us a request via contact form because a search key must be set by Acall.
Only alphabetic characters are supported for the search.
Enable [narrowing-down] function on Acall Reception
Select an appropriate tenant on the top page of Acall Reception, and use the device config key to display the config screen. Please refer Configurations (Acall Reception) for the config keys and how to display the config screen.
Tap [narrowing-down] function in the menu of the config screen to check the box. When you complete the setting for the search key and enable the [narrowing-down] function, the top page of Acall Reception will switch to a tenant search screen.
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