You can set Acall Reception to print an admission card or admission sheet for visitors.
If you set up in advance, an admission card or admission sheet for visitors will be printed out when a visitor comes to reception, allowing you to run a smooth operation even when there are no staff present.
This page explains how to set up for printing an admission card or admission sheet.
Please use the designated sticker printer.
Designated sticker printer: QL-720NW / QL-820NWB by Brother Industries, Ltd.
※Please refer to the following links for basic settings of each.
QL-720NW Product Manual (official page of Brother Industries, Ltd.)
QL-820NWB Product Manual (official page of Brother Industries, Ltd.)
When you use the multi-tenant function, some operations are different.
Only the tenant administrator the printer URL in the multi-tenant settings > Reception Settings > Edit Device screen.
The administrator sets up "admission card printing" and "admission card/sheet select".
Please refer to the article [Editing Entrance Cards and Entrance Forms] for editing an admission card or admission sheet.
Set up Admission Card and Sheet Printing
Enable admission card for printing
After logging in to Acall Portal, click [App settings] > [Acall Reception] in the side menu, turn ON "Admission Card Printing" under the additional functions in Acall Reception setting, and click [SAVE].
Connect with printer
Click the edit (pencil mark) on the device which you want to set the admission card printing settings for opening the edit screen.
Enter the specified URL, including the IP address of the sticker printer in the "printer URL" field at the bottom of the edit screen.
The printer URL is http://***. ***. ***. ***/ipp/print.
***. ***. ***. ***" should be the IP address of the sticker printer.
(In this page, the printer URL is as an example,
but the IP address cary from your environment.)
For information on how to check the IP address of the sticker printer,
Please refer to the manual of each sticker printer or contact Brother Industries, Ltd.
QL-720NW Product Manual (official page of Brother Industries, Ltd.)
QL-820NWB Product Manual (official page of Brother Industries, Ltd.)
Click [OFF] on the button label of an admission card for which you want to set the admission card printing setting, and it will switched to [ON].
You can set ON / OFF for the admission card for each button label.
Click on the printer icon on the right of [ON] to open the admission card and admission sheet selection screen.
Click on the admission card / sheet you want to use, and then click on [UPDATE].
This is the end for the admission card or sheet settings.
Please refer to the article on [Printing Entrance Pass from Portal] when visitors arrive at the reception desk and
they are not able to print admission card or sheet for some reason, such as the seal printer running out of roll.
Please refer to the article [Use the Admission Card to Process the Exit] about using the admission card for exit procedure.
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